ラムザイヤー論文にミスなどない ストローマン論法というウソを使って信用失墜をはかる韓国メディア(SDHF Newsletter No.303J) – There are no mistakes in Professor Ramseyer’s article The Korean media is doing its best to discredit his article using “strawman” tricks




ラムザイヤー論文にミスなどない ストローマン論法というウソを使って信用失墜をはかる韓国メディア 早稲田大学教授 有馬哲夫


これまで、韓国の李宇衍(イ・ウヨン)博士の2つの論文を紹介することによって、批判をほぼ完全論破してきました。(ニュースレターNo.301J, 302J)


(中央日報)(前略) ソク・ジョン教授は「ラムザイヤー教授の論文の脚注を調べた結果、戦時慰安所の女性に関する契約内容がなかったうえ、該当契約を記述した2次出所もなかった」と指摘した。これに対しラムザイヤー教授は「韓国人女性の契約書を確保すればよいと考えたが、探せなかった」と認めた後「あなたも探せないのは確実だ」とソク教授に話したという。


該当箇所を記述した2次出所もなかった、ソク教授の言ってるのは全くの虚偽で、ラムザイヤー文書の注釈には「US Office of War Information, 1944. Interrogation Report No.49 がちゃんと載っていてそこに契約について書かれています。したがって、ソク教授は無知のためかここでは全くのウソを言ってます。






令和3年3月25日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

There are no mistakes in Professor Ramseyer’s article The Korean media is doing its best to discredit his article using “strawman” tricks

Professor Arima Tetsuo, Waseda University

In Korea, as well as in America, media and academic circles have attacked Professor Ramseyer’s article on the comfort woman, resorting to “strawman” tricks to discredit it.

We have previously introduced Dr. Lee Woo-yeon’s two articles (Newsletter No. 301 and No. 302), which completely demolished criticism against Ramseyer’s article.

The Korean newspaper Joong Ang Ilbo (Central Daily), February 27, 2021, maliciously stated: “Mr. Ramseyer admitted to errors in his article on the comfort women.”

Professor Arima states that is completely erroneous and demagoguery.

(Joong Ang Ilbo (Central Daily) [Omitted] Professor Jeannie Suk Gerson pointed out, “I examined the references of Professor Ramseyer’s article and found out that there were no contracts related to South Korean women at the wartime comfort stations nor secondary sources indicating the presence of contracts in question.” Against her criticism, Professor Ramseyer allegedly said to Professor Suk, “I should have obtained contracts from South Korean women, but I failed to search for them,” and added, “Certainly, you cannot find them, either.”

Firstly, if you would recall Dr. Lee Woo-yeon’s article in Newsletter No. 302: he showed that there were “contracts” between comfort women and comfort station owners. So Professor Suk’s argument is nonsense from the start.

Professor Ramseyer said to Suk “I should have obtained contracts from South Korean women, but I failed to search for them,” and added, “Certainly, you cannot find them, either.” What he meant by this was that since the contracts were not public in nature, they are not in public archives but in private homes. That is why he added “Certainly, you cannot find them, either.” Without understanding this, Professor Suk, and the newspaper, distorted Professor Ramseyer’s statement—that “he admitted to errors.”

As to “nor secondary sources indicating the presence of contracts in question,” Professor Ramseyer mentioned “US Office of War Information, 1944. Interrogation Report No. 49,” which showed the contents of the contracts, etc. So, Professor Suk was either very ignorant or flat out lied.

Article URL:

There are no mistakes in Professor Ramseyer’s | Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact




MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
URL http://www.sdh-fact.com

Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom.

