<書評>ハリウッドの参戦――戦時中の映画に政治・経済・戦争宣伝が与えた影響(クレイトン・R・コップス & グレゴリー・D・ブラック、カリフォルニア大学出版局 1990)
書評者: タダシ・ハマ(日本語訳「発信する会」)
令和3年9月10日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝
<Book Review>Hollywood Goes to War:How Politics, Profits and Propaganda Shaped World War II Movies.(Clayton R. Koppes and Gregory D. Black , University of California Press, 1990)
Reviewed by Tadashi Hama
The book highlights Franklin D. Roosevelt’s efforts to spread a pro-globalist, anti-fascist message via government control of Hollywood. A distillation of the collusion between Roosevelt and his globalist cabal and Hollywood:
“…the propagandists and Hollywood embarked on an uneasy flirtation. The government needed Hollywood, but too much propaganda would wreck the movies’ entertainment appeal—the very thing that made the studios attractive to the propagandists. On the other hand, the film makers sincerely wanted to cooperate, but not at the risk of hurting their profits.”
FDR created his “official propaganda agency” to “influence public opinion” through a series of executive orders, that is, presidential decrees that bypassed the usual legislative mechanisms “critical to democratic citizenship.” Today, the progressives and globalists praise FDR for his globalist vision but we hear nothing of his abuse of the government and media to suppress dissent and further his agenda. A small glimpse of FDR’s methods is revealed and then the curtains are shut.
With respect to casting America and its liberal democratic ideology in the best possible light, America needed to change its own history. For example, references to black slavery or black servants in movie scripts were erased. At the same time, in movies depicting World War II battles, black combat soldiers were shown serving side by side with whites—even though the US military was still racially segregated. Whether through deception or whitewash, it was important for Hollywood to show “unity of color and creeds fighting for America.”
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