<書評>休暇を取り、自由を得て:第二次世界大戦における国内戦線のアメリカ軍(SDHF Newsletter No.322J) – Taking Leave, Taking Liberty: American Troops on the World War II Home Front




<書評>休暇を取り、自由を得て:第二次世界大戦における国内戦線のアメリカ軍(アーロン・ヒルトナー著、シカゴ大学出版会 2020)

書評者: タダシ・ハマ(日本語訳「発信する会」)








Taking Leave, Taking Liberty: American Troops on the World War II Home Front | Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

令和3年4月22日「史実を世界に発信する会」会長代行 茂木弘道拝

<Book Review>Taking Leave, Taking Liberty: American Troops on the World War II Home Front (Aaron Hiltner ,University of Chicago Press, 2020.)

Reviewed by Tadashi Hama

During World War II, there were a lot of US military personnel based in the homeland: out of 16 million American soldiers, “many of these troops never went abroad.” Author Arron Hiltner estimates that “65-75 percent of all soldiers were stationed domestically” and suggests that “as few as 10 percent … actually saw combat.”

What did these rear echelon troops do? Drink to excess, fight amongst themselves, civilians and civilian police, rape and occasionally murder. Hiltner ascribes acts of violence and drunkenness to a masculine ego activated when one dons a US military uniform and a sense of immunity conferred by the uniform. For black American troops, however, Hiltner assures us that their drunkenness and violence were due to “white racism.” Rather than allow a cliché to substitute for an explanation, one could instead review rates of crime of white and black civilians in the 1940s and also examine socioeconomic status, upbringing and level of self-control as contributing to black criminality at the time. However, it is much easier to ascribe inequality to “racism” rather than painstakingly root through history.

As to US military utilization of prostitutes, Hiltner notes that Norfolk, Virginia city officials allowed prostitutes do business within a designated area. Prostitutes paid city taxes and were regularly examined for venereal diseases. However, the Navy pressured the city to close the area due to an “outbreak” of venereal disease among naval personnel, forcing prostitution and crime to spread throughout Norfolk.

Hiltner surprisingly ignored Honolulu, a key Pacific American military base during WWII. While prostitution was not legal, prostitutes were fingerprinted and registered to work as prostitutes. From the prostitute’s $3 fee, the brothel owner received $1. There was probably a wider role of the US military and local governments in the regulation of prostitution in the US during World War II, with the aim of controlling crime and disease transmission—very similar to Japan’s use of comfort station. Perhaps Hiltner will follow up with such a book in the near future.

Article URL:

Taking Leave, Taking Liberty: American Troops on the World War II Home Front | Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact




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for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact
URL http://www.sdh-fact.com

Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom.

